Deploying Static Sites to CloudFront


March 26, 2015

Like many developers, I’ve written my own blog software half a dozen times. I’ve probably spent a lot more time tweaking the software than writing posts so this time I decided to do something different. I wanted to keep things as simple as possible but still have an excuse to learn a few new things.

I wound up settling on Hugo hosted on Amazon S3 w/ CloudFront in front of it.
One of the deciding factors that made CloudFront come out on top is that I wanted to see what it’d take to get things served over HTTPS. Given limitations in GitHub pages and S3, CloudFront was the way to go.

While there are a few Hugo-specific things here (e.g. the publish directory and reference to running hugo to build the site), everything AWS-related would work just as well for Pelican, jekyll, or hand-written HTML.

Pushing to S3

Amazon S3’s static website hosting is a pretty simple way to host a website for under a dollar a month. ($0.50 for the Route 53 Zone and typically just pennies for the storage and bandwidth.)

Once the bucket is set up, I’m using the handy s3cmd tool to upload the files.

I wound up with a short script that looked something like this:

# first, run hugo to generate the site
# upload all files with mimetype detection and marked public
# explicitly put/set mimetype of CSS (avoid text/plain)

hugo &&
s3cmd sync -MP public/ s3:// &&
s3cmd put -P --mime-type=text/css public/css/main.css

At this point, after following the standard S3 website hosting directions the site was accessible at S3 does have HTTPS support if you use the full bucket name, but I wanted to get things to

That’s where CloudFront comes in.

Going from S3 to CloudFront

CloudFront is designed to work very well with S3, acting as an edge cache for faster delivery of assets, it also will allow us to use HTTPS.

Amazon has a decent guide to doing it.

I did a few things differently, choosing a cheaper set of edge locations, configuring 404 pages, and forcing HTTPS.

  • If you haven’t already, obtain an SSL certificate. Eric Mill has a good guide if you aren’t sure how.
  • Upload your SSL certificate to AWS, Amazon explains how but it boiled down to this:
aws iam upload-server-certificate
    --server-certificate-name CertificateName
    --certificate-body file://public_key_certificate_file
    --private-key file://privatekey.pem
    --certificate-chain file://certificate_chain_file
    --path /cloudfront/sitename/
  • Now follow the instructions under “Create a CloudFront Distribution” from Amazon’s guide. There’ll be a few minor differences:
    • Set Viewer Protocol Policy to HTTPS only
    • If you’re like me, consider changing Price Class to Use Only US and Europe to save a little bit.
    • Set SSL Certificate to Custom SSL Certificate and select the cert you uploaded earlier.
    • DO NOT select All Clients under Custom SSL Client Support. This will cost $600/month, SNI is free and just fine for most purposes.
  • Now you’ll need to follow the instructions under Update the Record Sets for Your Domain and Subdomain the same Amazon guide. This will update your Route 53 config to point at the CloudFront distribution.

At this point, you’ll have a working CloudFront distribution so that when people visit they’ll hit the nearest CloudFront edge which will return cached content from your S3 bucket. Updating the site is the same as it has always been, but there will be propagation delays as the content makes its way from S3 to CloudFront.

Next Steps

Now go ahead and make an update and run the s3cmd publishing steps and you’ll notice that the changes aren’t live on your site. Eventually (by default in about a day) the CloudFront edge cache will expire and update, but that’s often less than desirable.

To speed things up you can manually invalidate pages out of the CloudFront distribution. (It’ll still take 10-15 minutes for the edge nodes to receive the invalidation.)

Update, May 22nd 2015: This blog post originally used pathlib to get all files in the public/ directory, but CloudFront has been updated to accept glob invalidations. Now invalidating /* will count as a single invalidation and ensure the entire tree gets invalidated.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import boto.cloudfront

# Credentials in ~/.aws/credentials
DISTRIBUTION_ID = ''      # needs to be set, looks like E11J4SQ1T6811B

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cf = boto.cloudfront.CloudFrontConnection()
    cf.create_invalidation_request(DISTRIBUTION_ID, '/*')

This is overkill as it’ll invalidate all objects, it is also possible to figure out which objects have changed and only invalidate those.

Note that by default you’re allowed 1,000 free invalidations a month, and then you start paying $0.005 per file. For my purposes this is more than enough, but something to consider if you’re constantly republishing.

I save that file as and then update the to look like:

hugo &&
s3cmd sync -MP public/ s3:// &&
s3cmd put -P --mime-type=text/css public/css/main.css &&

Every time you’re ready to publish a simple ./ does the trick.

And now you have a fast, reliable, low-maintenance site for under $1/month. ($0.50 for the Route 53 zone is the largest expense, then pennies for S3 and CloudFront costs.)

Questions? Suggestions?

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